Lessons from people with complex communication needs who use AAC. Learn how good AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) partner skills improves effective communication for all. This video was created as part of the straight talking AAC group’s teaching activities. Thanks to all who contributed to the making of the video.
Category Archives: teaching
Straight Talking Group presents at CM 2021
This year’s Communication Matters (CM) conference will be fully online and our Straight Talking Group (STG) will be presenting their take on staying in touch via Zoom during the pandemic lockdown.

Our User Centre groups, including STG, had been affected, as had been so many other groups, by not being able to meet face to face during lockdown. STG successfully rose to the challenge of keeping up meeting by exploring and implementing video group calls. This can indeed be a challenge when your video conferencing platform is also your communication aid platform – all members of the STG use some form of AAC.
Read more about this challenge or even better, join the group at the CM Conference – registration is now open – for a presentation on the way to not only successfully meeting online but also keeping up teaching on AAC.
Launching the new MSc in Educational Assistive Technology (EduAT)
The Dundee AAC Research Group is proud to be launching the newly developed part-time MSc Programme in Educational Assistive Technology.

In collaboration with JISC (historically known as the “Joint Information Systems Committee”), their subject specialist Rohan Slaughter worked with Professor Annalu Waller and members of the AAC Research Group to develop this programme to provide assistive technology (AT) training and development.
Continue reading Launching the new MSc in Educational Assistive Technology (EduAT)