The Dundee AAC Research Group is proud to be launching the newly developed part-time MSc Programme in Educational Assistive Technology.

In collaboration with JISC (historically known as the “Joint Information Systems Committee”), their subject specialist Rohan Slaughter worked with Professor Annalu Waller and members of the AAC Research Group to develop this programme to provide assistive technology (AT) training and development.
Rohan Slaughter: “The educational assistive technologist role is a multi-disciplinary role that draws upon the skills and knowledge base found within education/teaching, technology, and specifically assistive technology as well as health, social care and therapy approaches from occupational therapy and speech and language therapy. The role bridges all of these professional areas and has become an emergent profession itself.”
Find out more about this exciting new course and how to register on MSc EduAT page, including links to the registration page and contact details of the programme staff.