Voice@Work, a Guide for employers for the inclusion of people without speech

Portrait Jan-Oliver WülfingPortrait Gregor RennerSeminar: Voice@Work with Jan-Oliver Wülfing und Prof Gregor Renner

This seminar will address employment issues faced by people who use AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication).
Jan will present his project Voice@Work which had the aim to develop a guide for employers for the inclusion of people with complex communication needs (CCN) in an ergonomically designed regular workplace.

Download the flyer with more information on the seminar and the speakers (PDF).

The Seminar takes place at the Dundee AAC Group in two weeks time for our weekly seminars:

Wednesday, 11 February 2015, 12pm
Wolfson Theatre
Queen Mother Building (download PDF map, building 26)
School of Computing, Univeristy of Dundee

All welcome!

You can download the guide for employers on inclusion of people with complex communication needs (CCN) in an ergonomically designed regular workplace from Jan’s academia website: Inklusion in den 1. Arbeitsmarkt – es geht! Leitfaden zur gesundheitsgerechten Gestaltung von Arbeit für unterstützt kommunizierende Personen (sorry, only in German).

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