The Aphasia iPad Group is part of the School of Computing’s User Centre, helping adults with aphasia in using an iPad to support their communication. The group was established by members of the local Speakeasy group, a self-help group affiliated to Speakability, the national charity for people with aphasia, together with the Speech and Language Therapy adult service of the NHS Tayside.
The group currently receives funding from Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) for running the Tap and Talk user group sessions. More information on our project page:
Find us on Facebook for more information:
Speakeasy and the iPad Group have been involved in a number of projects to raise awareness of aphasia and support people with the aphasia.
Tap and Talk, Glasgow
Our Tap and Talk project funded by SCVO (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations) is helping to set up a similar Aphasia iPad Group in Glasgow: TaT Glasgow. Watch this space!
Website: TBC
Tap and Talk
The latest project received funding from the SCVO (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations) through the Digital Participation Challenge Fund to run the group with the aim to establish the Aphasia iPad Group to be a self sustaining part of the User Centre.
It’s-not-one-thing (in1t)
During this project the group evaluated an iPad workbook during two workshop sessions in collaboration with DJCAD (Duncan and Jordan College of Art and Design.