Aphasia iPad Partners

iPad Hints and Advice for Carers and Relatives of People with Aphasia

This page contains hints and advise to help you set up and use an iPad when it comes to supporting communication with someone who has aphasia.

YouTube Videos

Other Information

Title page of Dyscover iPadsYou will receive a print copy of the Dyscover iPads booklet on the day. If you want to have a look already or prefer a digital version, you can download the PDF of Dyscover iPads from the Dyscover website.

Visit our Tap and Talk website to find out more about the Aphasia iPad Group at Computing, Dundee University: aac.dundee.ac.uk/tap-and-talk.


Laorag Hunter, Amy Hanschell

Speech and Language Therapists
NHS Tayside

Contact: Tay-UHB.sltcbir@nhs.net
Phone: 01382 423149

Rolf BlackRolf Black

Rehabilitation Engineer
Project Manager

Contact: r.black@dundee.ac.uk
Phone: 01382 386530

Website: aac.dundee.ac.uk/rolfblack