The Dundee AAC Research Group will be involved in two talks at the PITL conference:
Thursday, 15 June 2017, 11:45am, Room 1F01
“CamOnWheels”: Increasing narrative skills and participation for young people with complex communication needs
Mascha Legel, Annalu Waller (Abstract booklet)
Thursday, 15 June 2017, 2:30pm, Room 1F06
Empowering Disabled Educators
Annalu Waller, Kathleen Cummins, Alan McGregor (Abstract booklet)
From the PITL website:
“Organised by PAMIS and the Research Centre for Transformative Change: Educational & Life Transitions, which is part of the University of Dundee, the first PITL (Promoting Inclusion, Transforming Lives) International Conference in June 2017 will attract more than 200 national and international delegates to Dundee and Angus for a 2 day conference.
People with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) touch our lives in a way that challenges us to reflect on the way we care, the way we interact as communities and how we connect as human beings. This conference will provide an interface for research, practice and policy that supports this concept but for a wider population of people who are also currently excluded from communities, and an opportunity to share work and ideas that transform lives and communities.